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  Manipal Manual of Physiology 1 Edition

Manipal Manual Of Physiology 1 Edition

by C. N. Chandra Shekar

  Price : Rs 475.00
  Your Price : Rs 380.00
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  To get most of the cardinal information from one source when students have to race against time Graduate students belonging to most of the courses seldom have nine months time in which they have to study appear for periodical evaluation examinations and the final frontier in the form of promotional examination. This manual will be an unrivaled source for them. Graduate students of health sciences in general. More so the graduate students of Dentistry. allied health sciences. Nursing. Pharmacy and alternative systems of medicine in particular. Has information in a simple and explicit manner. The flow charts boxes and simple colored diagrams would help the students to have better mental picture of the subject very easily. ISBN 9788123912851

Pages : 239
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