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  Essentials of Human Parasitology  Edition :1

Essentials Of Human Parasitology Edition :1

by Judith S. Heelan Frances W. Ingersoll

  Price : Rs 353.00
  Your Price : Rs 300.05
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  Essentials of Human Parasitology provides an up-to-date and comprehensive guide for the recognition and identification of common, clinically significant human parasites. Protozoa and helminths are discussed in separate sections that are broken into chapters covering intestinal and blood/body fluid/tissue protozoa and intestinal and blood/body fluid/tissue nematodes, trematodes and cestodes. Morphology, life cycles, transmission and pathogenesis of infection, lab diagnosis and methodology, and treatment and prevention information is arranged into a concise description for each parasite. Also includes chapters detailing proper specimen collection techniques and immunoassays for antigens and antibodies. Designed for use by allied health students studying medical technology, respiratory therapy, nursing, etc. in community and four-year college settings. � Diagrams of various stages of parasite development of each organism presented. � Case study relevant to the material ends each chapter � Full color insert of micrographs of paragraphs in various developmental stages.

Pages : 240
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