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  The Complete Book of Drawing

The Complete Book Of Drawing

by Barrington Barber

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 695.00
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  A new practical art book that combines the finest of two existing bestsellers - The Fundamentals of Drawing and Advanced Drawing Skills. With a little persistence and patience, anyone can learn to draw, and with the help of this book they can learn to draw very well. The subjects covered in the book make it entirely comprehensive, and the informative and helpful text works very well with Barrington Barber`s specially devised and inspirational illustrations. The aim throughout is to help readers discover and develop their own unique drawing style. From object drawing and still-life composition, the natural world and portraiture, to looking at form and shape, and assessing styles and techniques, The Complete Book of Drawing is a distillation of the many skills that the aspiring artist needs to develop. As Barrington Barber knows from his many years of both teaching and practising art, it is crucial for you as an individual to find your own style and way of doing things. And, uniquely among practical art books, this is what The Complete Book of Drawing provides, by revealing new possibilities and enabling you to look at the world around you with fresh eyes. ISBN-9781848375369

Pages : 352
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