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  Visual Quantum Mechanics (With CD)

Visual Quantum Mechanics (With Cd)

by Thaller Bernd

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 895.50
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  Visual Quantum Mechanics uses the computer-generated animations found on the accompanying CD-ROM to introduce, motivate, and illustrate the concepts explained in the book. While there are other books on the market that use Mathematica or Maple to teach quantum mechanics, this book differs in that the text describes the mathematical and physical ideas of quantum mechanics in the conventional manner. There is no special emphasis on computational physics or requirement that the reader know a symbolic computation package. Despite the presentation of rather advanced topics, the book requires only calculus, making complicated results more comprehensible via visualization. The CD-ROM provides easy access to more than 300 digital movies, animated illustrations, and interactive pictures. This book along with its accompanying CD-ROM forms a complete introductory course on spinless particles in one and two dimensions.ISBN - 9788184892390

Pages : 296
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